• Want to work with me 1-on-1?

    Tired of feeling like no matter what you try, you're life isn't going the way you want? You're overwhelmed with more but you want do less to create a life you actually enjoy living?

    Yep that's me 
  • Want to work at your own pace?

    Not quite ready to work together 1-on-1? Love going at your own speed? You truly love DIY at heart, but you still want the tools to design your life without extending your to do list?

    Yep that's me 
Shareda Fambro personal growth coach picture black shirt blue jeans

Hi, I'm Shareda

I help women use fear to fuel success in personal growth, faith and sharing their story for kingdom impact.

As a personal growth coach, I teach women only on what works to take them from where they are to where they want to be.

Afraid? Let me show you how to use that fear to design a life you love.

Let's work together!

I'm ready to design my life

The Truth is, I was like you

I was a broke over-thinker, had low self esteem and I was exhausted. Living day by day anxious and full of fear. I was so overwhelmed and honestly just lacked the energy to do a million different things to change my life.

I actually wanted to do less so if you are anything like me, you want to do less too.